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Welcome to 2ndBook Press. They say that writing your first book is the most difficult, so I wrote my second book first. I'm kidding. There have been rumors of missing books from the Bible for centuries. The claim is a subtle hostility against the Word of God. It is the voice of the serpent.

Can you test the books in the Bible and prove they are the Word of God? If not, how could you test a book outside the Bible to prove it is the Word of God?

There is a test for Old Testament scripture. Anyone can learn to perform it. When you test a dollar bill, you examine the watermark on the paper. If the watermark isn't there, it is an obvious counterfeit.

The watermark of scripture is not an image on it's paper. It is an image painted by the nature of words to have many meanings.

Consider: Mary had a little lamb. Who is Mary? Is she a fictitious person invented because of need to write a silly rhyme? Is she Mary, Queen of Scots used to make a political statement. Is it Mary, the mother of Jesus, who bore the Lamb of God?

You use pun, riddle, and word play to hide something in plain sight. God needed to hide the message of the cross from everyone, He hid it in plain sight. No one could see it because they did not know of the cross. They had no idea what to look for.

The story of the cross is woven into the historical narrative in such detail that it is like security paper. Books that do not have the 'security paper' are not scripture.

If the original story were to change, the hidden story would also change. The 2nd layer enables the testing of variations in the text between manuscripts. The 2nd layer is so pervasive and in such detail that we call it 'The 2nd Book".

Books []

Eat Learn this Book series

Children's books which teach adult theology.

The reason I display work in progress is so that potential collaborators can see what I put out raw, and consider if they can work it into something usable. Enjoy my mess. Discussion

ELTB Cover.JPG Read free

ELTB Eat Learn This Book []


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Using the first century hermeneutic, clean and unclean animals are symbols of good and bad teachers .

BAd Birds cover jpg.png Read free

Creepy Crunchies Preface

Flying things

Swarming and creeping

Leaping things


Bald locust




The exchange

Carrying the carcass

Creeping things









Creepy Crunchies Summary

Creepy crunchies references

Unclean birds tell of character traits not to be copied.

ELTB Creepy Crunchies.png ELTB Creepy Crunchies []

In process... watch the progress.

Insects you can eat because they speak of people who try to know God.

Dirty Dishes cover.jpg ELTB Dirty Dishes

Fallen leaders

ELTB Tempting Tree Cover ad.jpg ELTB Tempting Tree []

In process... watch the progress.

The story of the garden.

ELTB Baby Bread

Bread through scripture as Christ's total devotion to death.

ELTB Temple Tasties

The sacrifices.

ELTB Best Bad Bookkeeper

A troubling parable

ELTB Peter's Prison

The escape (Acts 12)

ELTB Sneaky Snakes

Ending of Mark

ELTB Christmas crumbs

2ndBook series series

Adult modules also teach using the first century hermeneutic.


2ndBook Stories []

SB War with God

2ndBook The Likeness

2ndBook Noah

2ndBook Abram

2ndBook Abraham

2ndBook Jacob

2ndBook Judah

2ndBook Joseph

2ndBook Plagues

2ndBook Passover

2ndBook Red Sea

2ndBook The Law

2ndBook Cleanliness


2ndBook Topics []

2ndBook Meta-topics

2ndBook Bible topics

2ndBook Questions

Site purpose []

Site Purpose

Jesus said that all the scriptures talk about Him. [1] When the Bible mentions people like Adam, Moses, or Noah, it’s pointing to Jesus. These are called "types," and "shadows1" but figuring them out can sometimes feel like guessing games. God didn’t carefully protect every word in the Bible just to let people make up their own ideas about it. Instead, the Bible is written with a special layer of meaning—a kind of hidden message that only becomes clear after the cross. [2]

This site is all about understanding this "hidden message" by relying on the Holy Spirit, who inspired the Bible. [3][4]

The "priesthood of the believer" doesn’t mean everyone can just decide what the Bible means for themselves. [5] Instead, it means believers are called to pray for and help others.
With the Holy Spirit’s guidance, we can see how all of scripture points to Jesus. [6] This understanding should be clear enough to share and teach others. [7]

We encourage you to ask questions, join the conversation, and as you learn, create your own works or contribute here. Together, we form a "fellowship of the mystery."

Apologies for the mess. I have found the wiki to be a great tool so you may find other things I work on in here as well. It is more convenient than having stuff splattered all over the internet.

  1. ± Lu 24:27 And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.
  2. ± 1Co 2:7 But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, [even] the hidden [wisdom], which God ordained before the world unto our glory:
  3. ± Eph 3:9 And to make all [men] see what [is] the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ:
  4. ± 2Pe 1:20-21 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake [as they were] moved by the Holy Ghost. [{in old time: or, at any time }
  5. ± 2Pe 1:21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake [as they were] moved by the Holy Ghost. [{in old time: or, at any time }]
  6. ± 2Ti 2:2 And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also. [{among: or, by }]
  7. ± Eph 3:9 And to make all [men] see what [is] the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ: