Carrying the carcass
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According to the script, if any of the actors carried the dead body of any of the unclean animals mentioned, they had to wash their clothes and they were considered unclean until the evening. [5] What could God be trying to tell us through these symbols?
Let’s see what some of the words mean:
- carry, lift up nasa נשא - ‘forget נש Jehovah א’
- clothes - always represents works
- washing - evaluate your works by the teaching of the word [6]
- day yowm יום - holiness, ‘creation י explained by ו the finished work of the son ם’
- evening - the cross where judgement (holiness represented by light) changes to mercy (love represented by darkness)
- night lil ליל - love, ‘creation י surrounded by teaching or the shared heart of God ל’
- morning, seek, ox baqar בקר - resurrection, ‘son bar בר who died and rose from the dead ק’
- sun shemash שמש - ‘the increase of the word ש x2 with the heart of the promise of the father מ’ or ‘the reputation שמ of the marriage ש’
- moon yareach ירח - God’s י revelation ר understood ח (Christ as God on earth)
Whoever brags about doing the things the dietary law told us not to do needs forgiveness offered by Jesus through the cross. They are considered unclean, or not good teachers until they have received forgiveness. They must repent, or:: reconsider what they did and agree with God that it was wrong. This is ‘waiting until the evening’.