Patterns of doctrine: Difference between revisions

From 2nd Book
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{{bl| Patterns of doctrine }}
{{bl| Patterns of doctrine }}

[[ Animals of the Bible ]]
{{4c| Abram | renamed | Abraham | God }}
{{4c| Azariah | renamed | Abednego | Ashpenaz }}
[[ Melchizadek ]]
{{4c| Barnabas | also known as | Joseph | The Apostles }}
{{4c| Barsabbas | also known as | Judas | }}
[[ Number symbols ]]
{{4c| Bartholomew | believed to be | Nathanael | }}
{{4c| Ben-Oni | also known as | Benjamin | his father Jacob }}
[[ Renamed ]]
{{4c| Boanerges | also known as | James and John | Jesus }}
{{4c| Cephas (or Peter) | also known as | Simon | }}
[[ Wife given to king ]]
{{4c| Daniel | renamed | Belteshazzar | Ashpenaz }}
{{4c| Daniel | also known as | Kileab | }}
{{4c| Didymus | also known as | Thomas | }}
{{4c| Dorcas | also known as | Tabitha | }}
{{4c| Edom | also known as | Esau |}}
{{4c| Eliakim | renamed | Jehoiakim | Pharoah Neco }}
{{4c| Esau | also known as | Edom  }}
{{4c| Esther | also known as | Hadassah | Persian > Hebrew }}
{{4c| Gideon | renamed | Jerub-Baal | the men of Ophrah }}
{{4c| Hadassah | also known as | Esther | Hebrew > Persian }}
{{4c| Hananiah | renamed | Shadrach | Ashpenaz }}
{{4c| Hoshea | renamed | Joshua | Moses }}
{{4c| Jacob | renamed | Israel | God }}
{{4c| James (Jesus’ disciple) | nicknamed | Boanerges | Jesus }}
{{4c| Jedidiah | also known as | Solomon | God }}
{{4c| Jethro | also known as | Reuel | }}
{{4c| John (Jesus’ disciple) | nicknamed | Boanerges | Jesus }}
{{4c| John | also known as | Mark | }}
{{4c| Joseph | also known as | Barnabas | The Apostles }}
{{4c| Joseph | renamed | Zaphenath-Paneah | Pharoah }}
{{4c| Joshua | also known as | Hoshea | Moses }}
{{4c| Judas | also known as | Barsabbas | }}
{{4c| Kileab | also known as | Daniel | }}
{{4c| Levi | also known as | Matthew | Hebrew > Greek }}
{{4c| Lo-Ammi | renamed |v Ammi | God }}
{{4c| Lo-Ruhamah | renamed | Ruhamah | God }}
{{4c| Mara | also known as | Naomi | Herself }}
{{4c| Mark | also known as | John | }}
{{4c| Mattaniah | renamed | Zedekiah | Nebuchadnezzar }}
{{4c| Matthew | also known as | Levi Greek > Hebrew | }}
{{4c| Merib-Baal | also known as | Mephibosheth | }}
{{4c| Mephibosheth | also known as | Merib-Baal | }}
{{4c| Mishael | renamed | Meshach | Ashpenaz }}
{{4c| Moses | named | Moses | Pharaoh’s daughter }}
{{4c| Naomi | renamed | Mara | Herself }}
{{4c| Nathanael | believed to be | Bartholomew | }}
{{4c| Niger | also known as | Simeon | }}
{{4c| Pashhur | called | Terror on Every Side | God }}
{{4c| Paul | also known as | Saul Latin > Hebrew | }}
{{4c| Peter | also known as | Cephas (and Simon) | }}
{{4c| Reuel | also known as | Jethro | }}
{{4c| Sarai | renamed | Sarah | God }}
{{4c| Saul | also known as | Paul Hebrew > Latin
{{4c| Silas | also known as | Silvanus | }}
{{4c| Silvanus | also known as | Silas | }}
{{4c| Simeon | also known as | Niger | }}
{{4c| Simon | renamed | Cephas (or Peter) | Jesus }}
{{4c| Solomon | also known as | Jedidiah | God }}
{{4c| Tabitha | also known as | Dorcas | }}
{{4c| “the one who is victorious” | renamed | Only known to the one who receives it | The Holy Spirit }}
{{4c| “the woman” | named | Eve | Adam |}}
{{4c| Thomas | also known as | Didymus |}}

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