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From 2nd Book
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{{1c| {{:Final kof ך }} }}
{{1c| {{:Final kof ך }} }}
=חד sharpen=
{{1c| {{:חד sharpen}} }}
Interpreting word formations is not as simple as merely replacing the letters with a meaning. Such replacement forms a riddle which is answered by scripture.
Sharpen ''chad'' חד is formed as -- understand ח the command ד. It is not easy to see the connection between the two. But God says the same thing in different ways until we understand. He has given another clue to the connection in the verse:
Pr 27:17 ¶ Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.
Now we understand the proverb better. To improve the countenance of the friend, we help them understand God's commands. Remember we are using this in a technical sense as a metaphor for his command and the result of his command. We would remind our friend that God spoke and as a result of his command, the universe sprang into existence. We might also confront his sin and bring hope  for a changed life based on God's Mercy and power in overcoming sin.

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