ELTB 2.1300

ELTB 2.1300 []



All of these animals are on the stage and part of the play. Though the actors had to follow the rules for eating or not eating them, we may eat them all as we remember what they teach.

When we eat beef, lamb or deer we are reminded to meditate on God's word, and let it change the way we live.

If we eat a camel we remember not to judge.

Should we eat a coney we would remember to share about God's love for us through the cross.

The BBQ'd rabbit would remind us to be dedicated to God and not mix up others things in our worship.

As we eat bacon, mmm... bacon... We remember to be discerning in the things we learn.

Fried fish reminds us to seek God in His word and let it change our lives.

As students, we learn to be like the good teachers, and avoid being like the bad ones.



