Blog 2022-11-21
FFA Leaven [∞]
If you read in your Bible symbol book that sometimes a particular symbol means A and sometimes it means B, throw your book away. that is called free-for-all allegory. If the flag of the US doesn't represent the US, it is not much of a symbol. Company logos are protected because they represent the company.
Some people say that leaven represents sin, and we are to be unleavened bread or sinless bread.:But the kingdom of heaven is like leaven. Is it like sin? No!
The Hebrews got rid of the leaven before the Passover. If the Passover is a symbol of the cross, did they get rid of their sin before the cross? No!
Leaven represents teaching. The kingdom is teaching; it starts small and grows. The Hebrews got rid of the Old Teaching in preparation for the new teaching of the cross.
When Jesus gave the keys to the kingdom, it was not the keys to a new club. They were the keys to teaching, and he began to show them where the scriptures said he must die and be resurrected.
Jesus was the unleavened bread.. the untaught teacher.
Beware of the leaven 'teaching' of the Pharisees [1]; their hypocrisy was a stronger teacher than their words.