Waters - Spirit and Truth

Waters - Spirit and Truth []

'Waters' is the word mayim מים. Hebrew has something similar to our capital letters but they are used at the end of words. The letter mem מ and final mem ם have the same sound of an 'm'. They are the same, but different. Where have we heard that before? [1]

The mem, on both cases, is a letter constructed of a kof כ (son of God) and a zayin ז (the bride). There are four letters constructed of these letters.

The mem מ is the joining of the Son of God and the bride 'in heaven' It doesn't mean that we pre-existed, but that the Father chose us; he arranged the marriage; it is his promise. Pointing to the promise is the same as pointing to the Father.

The tet ט shows the Son and bride joined on earth. Indeed, their wedding is not in the rusurrection, since there is no marriage in the resurrection.

In the final mem ם the Son and bride are connected at top and bottom indicating the fuller idea that the promise of the Father is completed on earth by the Son.

The Samech ס has rounded corners in contrast to the square corners of the final mem. It to indicates that the promise of the Father is completed by the Son. The mem speaks of completing it in the flesh, and the samech of completing it in the spirit.

In 'Waters' we see the Father מ, who is Spirit [2] and the Son ם, who is truth [3].

Jesus told the woman at Sychar (at the well) that though she worshiped on the mountain (had a religion) the day would come when she would worship in Spirit and Truth. She would worship the Father and the Son. She would move the mountain to the waters (or sea).

  1. see Trinity
  2. ± Joh 4:24 God [is] a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship [him] in spirit and in truth.
  3. ± Joh 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.