Unpack prophecy

Unpack prophecy []



Steps for unpacking prophecy []

1. Keys to the kingdom (look for hints of the cross)
Finding the keys or indicators of riddle.
2. "Rightly divide the word"
Look for the things before and after the cross
3. Translate from Greek to Hebrew if necessary.
Greek to Hebrew translation
4. Re-word synonyms
5. Solve riddles
6. See Christ - Rule - Christocentric
7. Fill in gaps with deeper digging
a. Notarikon*
b. correlation*
  • may be applied in any step.
1 Identify keys []


1.1 Reuse known keys. [1]
1.2. Identify new keys by solving riddles [2] [3] [4]
1.3. Identify new keys by identifying patterns [5] [6]
2 Rightly divide the word []


2.1 Tag pattern elements before and after the key [1]
2.2 Identify artifacts.
3 Translate from Greek to Hebrew []


The NT was written by Hebrews for Greeks. The goal is to recreate the Hebrew thought behind the Greek translation of the Hebrew thought. Everything in the NT has an OT source. The Hebrew source will help us understand the Hebrew thought.
Since many Hebrew words may translate to a single Greek word, using a dictionary may not be the best method. Since I think in English, I correlate ideas in English. I move from Greek to English idea using pattern reduction and then to Hebrew expressions of that idea.
I enter an English thought bubble in Greek and exit in Hebrew. I think this can be facilitated mechanically.
3.1 Map Greek word to multiple English words used in translations. [1] [2]
3.2 Find OT source for NT teaching. [3] [4]
4. Reduce to pattern synonyms []


There is a single story told in many ways. Descriptions like "went up", "ascended", climbed, etc are more easily used for correlation when you map them to the same technical index. I like to use "ascend" in this case. When I see climbed, I think ascended. [1]
5 Solve riddles
6 See Christ []


1. Reword in voice of prophet
7 Deeper digging []


7.1 Undo step 4. We reduced words to a technical index and lost information. There is a reason different words were used. We now go back and discern the difference between the technical term and the word used. The nuances are where we learn more about God.