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Second day - God's Word
Second day - God's Word

On the second day, water is a picture of the Word telling of God’s message. The message is that God is Holy and Love. It is the message of God’s character.   
On the second day, water is a picture of the Word telling of God’s message. He divided his word into two parts. One part tells how God is Holy, the other tells how he is Love. They are the messages that tell of God's character.   

Before creating Adam, God divided his message into two parts to make it easier to understand. ‘Holiness’ is ‘separate’, ‘Love’ is ‘together’; God is both. A very young theologian said, “That’s impossible!”. They appear to be opposites.
Before creating Adam, God divided his message into two parts to make it easier to understand. ‘Holiness’ is ‘separate’, ‘Love’ is ‘together’; God is both.  

Rather than allow us to mix them up in some weird way, he separated them to make each known clearly. He expressed holiness through separation, law and judgement. He expressed Love through patience, and the sacrifices, and the blessings. Then he joined them again at the cross perfectly.  
Rather than allow us to mix them up in some weird way, he separated them to make each known clearly. He expressed holiness through separation, law and judgement. He expressed Love through patience, and the sacrifices, and the blessings. Then he joined them again at the cross perfectly.  

The firmament, as Christ, joins the waters above and below; Holiness and Love.
He also gave many symbols that teach the same thing. He said not to plow with an ox and a donkey together.The ox is a clean animal and represents the priest. The donkey is an unclean animal and speaks of Christ as teh prophet who core our sin. It is an unclean animal.

When did God create he water? He didn’t say. If he said when he created physical water, we may think that he created the Word. But the Word was with God, and the Word was God. [] His message cannot be separated from his person. In the symbols, water always existed, so we know that the Word always existed.
He said not to wear clothes of wool and linen. Wool is a product of husbandry; taking care of animals God provided. Linen is a product of growing crops by the sweat of your brow. It is a product of the cursed ground.
These symbols tell us not to mix the teaching of the flesh and spirit.
God placed the firmament between the water; Jesus, as the firmament, the waters above and below; the teaching of Holiness and teaching of Love.
When did God create the water? He didn’t say. If he said when he created physical water, we may think that he created the Word. But the Word was with God, and the Word was God. [] His message cannot be separated from his person. In the symbols, water always existed, so we know that the Word always existed.

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