Sk: Ge 1 When was heaven created?

Sk: Ge 1 When was heaven created? []

1. ± Ge 1:1 In the beginning

2. ± Ge 1:6-8 On the second day

3. ± Mt 25:34 When the earth was created

4. ± Jh 14:2 After the ascension of Jesus

Genesis 1:1 is the third recapitulation in a fractal expansion of revelation.

First the invisible aleph says that God is the creator. "He spoke and created teh heavens and the earth when no one could see or hear him do it."

Second, the word bereshit בראשית, translated 'in the beginning', says that 'in the beginning he created ברא six שית'. It also says 'a revelation to man ב. It is revealed ר that God spoke and created the heavens and the earth א. His word did not return void ש. Creation י was finished when his revelation gave new life ת.'

Third, the v 1:1 says that he created the heavens and the earth. Each of these speak of the completed act of creation. They are a summary of all creation. They refer to creation outside of time. References 2,3, and 4 are spoken from the perspective of being in time. Understanding this is easier for modern man who has a sense that time is an illusion.

  1. 1 is the overall summary of creation. #2 is a particular detail, still outside of time. #3 has no contradiction unless one forces a particular scope to the word "when". It easily falls into the meaning of #1. #4 does not say that Jesus is making a heaven, but that he is preparing a particular place for us.