Scientific method - 3

Scientific method - 3 []

How do we know that we didn't make it up and use free-for-all allegory?

1. Symbols will be the same meaning as everywhere else they are used.
2. The meaning derived is validated in other locations within the text.
3. The meaning fits a recapitulation of an idea forming a prophetic pattern as the core of doctrine.
4. Outside authorities are not required.
5. The meaning participates in a picture of Christ with the cross and the bride at the core.
6. Others can validate it even though they could not solve it.
7. The formation of words within the section will confirm the meaning.

1. Symbols the same everywhere

You don't get to decide when it is a symbol and when it is not. If it is a symbol in one place, every place it is, it is a symbol.

2. The meaning derived is validated in other locations within the text.

No doctrine is ever formed by a single scripture.

3. Prophetic pattern

God does not leave the discovery of doctrine to chance. It is repeated in patterns to capture your attention and emphasize the things He thinks are important.

4. Outside authorities were not used.

The authority is scripture, not historians, textual critics, priests, scholars, or theologians.

5. Christocentric Jesus said it all speaks of him.

6. Riddle The nature of riddle is that it cannot be solved with just the information in the riddle; something else must be known. Once the additional information is known, the intent of the riddle is plain.

7. Hebrew words get their meaning from the combined meaning of the letters. The word forming a symbol has hints of the symbol in the meaning of the letters.

If the proposed meaning of a text meets these rules, it is considered divine, valid, and reproducible.

Congratulations you have heard from God. You have discovered a picture of Christ that no man taught you, but were assisted by the Holy Spirit to see it. You may do this experiment as many times as you wish, and the more you do it, the easier it gets because the symbols are reusable.

You have a personal communication, revelation, witness from God!

Now what is the key? Scientific method - 4