Scientific method

Scientific method []

The scientific method has been stated in various forms, but the process is the same. Unfortunately, at best, much that is said to be science is more like a religion or belief system. At worst, things claiming to be science are really the experiment in mind control and manipulation. Why? Because actual science proves God. No this is not a discussion on Creationism, but on a proof for God.

These are the steps for a formal scientific method:

1. Ask a question or make an observation.
2. Write a hypothesis. What do you think is the answer?
3. Make predictions.
4. Test the predictions.
5. State your conclusions. Was the hypothesis true or false.
6. Is it reproducible? Can others do what you did??


We observe that the Bible makes some claims:

1. There is a God.
2. He cannot be seen nor heard.
3. He wants to be known by everyone.
4. He is capable of making himself known.
5. His thoughts and ways are not ours.

We do not have to believe these claims to test them.

The package on the hammer makes some claims for the hammer:

1. It can be used to drive nails.
2. It can be used to pull nails.
3. It won't beak if you drive nails and pull them.

We don't need to believe the claims made for the hammer to test them. We perform an experiment; we use it, to prove it.

The observations may appear to be contradictory to some. If his thoughts and ways are not ours, then whatever experiment we come up with will not likely succeed. Maybe others who have tried to prove God failed because they used their own ways to do so. We need some more observations.

6. Peter received a personal revelation from God but was unaware of it.
7. Jesus gave him the key to more revelation.

We need to find that key to perform the experiment that is proposed within the book. We still do not need to believe it. We need to use it to see if it is true.

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