Riddle of the whithered thigh

Riddle of the whithered thigh []

Jacob wrestled with an angel and at the touch of a finger his thigh withered. What is the purpose of that?

Jacob represents Jesus. The usurping second son represents the second Adam who got the inheritance that the first Adam lost. He built a large family, as Jesus built a large following. Approaching the ravine which represents death, Jacob forfeited everything. He sent all ahead of him hoping that if Esau killed all of them he would not kill Jacob. Jesus chased away everyone in the last week before his death.

First he so embarrassed the religious rulers that the people turned away from them to follow Jesus. Then he offended them so that they were left as sheep without a shepherd; according to prophecy.

When Jacob rose out of the ravine grave, he had a new name, Israel. Now he represented the Son of God in resurrection. All that he forfeited before was restored to him.

So what's with the whithered thigh? The seed of the woman had a bruised heel. He would limp. Ge 2:21 in the riddle tells that Jesus would have a limping side. Jacob now has a limping side.

At Gethsemane, Christ who was both man and God did not want to die. He pleads, "Remove this cup..." but he makes his flesh side limp to be obedient in his Spirit side. The pattern of the limping side is fulfilled at Gethsemane.