Resisting ego

Resisting ego []

A friend posted another's topic on resisting the ego in ministry. It was a good post identifying temptations and motivations while doing 'good works'. I had some thoughts on it, but I don't want my thoughts to be taken as a rebuttal or criticism; more of an addendum, so I post here rather than his timeline.

re: pride in giving

There was a time when you took great pride in being able to tie your shoes. When it became a habit, it no longer satisfied your ego. So continue to give, because there is need. Eventually the novelty will wear off and you do it by habit.

re: pride in teaching

If you feel compassion because 'they' are ignorant, haven't you already judged them? If your teaching brings applause, you are likely just tickling ears and entertaining. Teach because your awe of God overflows and he deserves to be made known. Teaching has little to do with the teacher or the student. It is about God.

re: pride in prayer

Stop praying publicly and it will remove the temptation of the ego all together. It is better to be accused of being a man who doesn't pray, when you do secretly, than to be accused of being a man who gives great prayers.

re: pride in planting churches

Plant the word of God in the hearts of men and God will add to the church daily.

re: pride in mentoring

Spend more time teaching the word and less time teaching your philosophy of ministry. False disciples will fall away quickly. Teaching and learning require the work of study. Philosophy is simply a lazy debate of opinions.