Proud Agnostics humbled

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Proud Agnostics humbled []

The agnostic is not one who says he doesn't know if there is a God. 'Not knowing' is 'ignorance'.

There is a movement to redefine terms, because claims to the original meanings are indefensible.

An 'Agnostic' makes the truth claim that there is no way to know God.

In order to know that that there is no way to know God, one must have tried all the ways there are to know God, eventhe ones you are unaware of. The priests of Baal woudl cut their bellies and arms to try to know Baal. Catholic monks would hide in the desert for years. Indian Budhist priests isolate themselves for years high in the mountains. Moslems trek to Mecca. Perhaps he is known by cutting of your little toe.

So effectively the true agnostic makes a claim to a truth that cannot be known, and is a liar.

If one is merely ignorant, then it is a claim about self, not of God.