Parallel Gospels
Parallel Gospels
This study is based on a serial Markan priority assumption. See [[How the NT authors used the OT Scriptures]] for further explanation.
We expect to find hints in Matthew that the material added to Mark came from the insight that Israel was a shadow of Christ. In Luke, we expect to find hints that the material added to Mark-Matthew came from the realization that pre-Abrahamic figures, particularly Adam, were also shadows of Christ.
Matthew’s Expansion on Mark: Israel as a Shadow of Christ
Matthew’s Gospel reframes Jesus’ life in light of Israel’s history, showing Him as the true Israel—the Son called out of Egypt (Matthew 2:15), tested in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11), and the giver of a new law from the mountain (Matthew 5-7). These additions are absent in Mark and align with the revelation that Israel’s journey was a prophecy of Christ’s mission.
Additional parables and Old Testament references in Matthew further emphasize this theme. For example:
- The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard (Matthew 20:1-16) → Illustrates the first (Israel) and last (Gentiles) being united in Christ, paralleling Israel’s role as a shadow of Him.
- The Parable of the Two Sons (Matthew 21:28-32) → Reflects Israel’s unfaithfulness and Christ’s obedience, reinforcing Jesus as the fulfillment of Israel’s calling.
These insights were not present when Mark was written but became evident as the apostles' understanding deepened.
Luke’s Expansion on Mark-Matthew: Pre-Abrahamic Figures as Shadows of Christ
Luke expands further, incorporating insights that Adam was a federal head, prefiguring Christ as the Second Adam. This is most evident in:
- Luke’s genealogy (Luke 3:23-38) → Unlike Matthew, who traces Jesus back to Abraham, Luke extends His lineage to Adam, the son of God, connecting Christ’s redemptive work to all humanity, not just Israel.
- The Reordering of the Temptations (Luke 4:1-13) → Unlike Matthew, Luke presents the final temptation as Jesus standing atop the temple, a placement that highlights Adam’s failure in the garden and Jesus' success as the true Son of God.
- The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) → A uniquely Lukan parable, reflecting Adam’s departure from the Father’s presence and Christ’s mission to restore the lost son.
Dating Later Writings Based on Their Use of the OT
As new insights unfolded, later writers had access to the ongoing teaching in the Jewish church, where Christ was being revealed in the Old Testament. The extent to which they saw Christ in the OT depended on when they wrote relative to the Gospels.
- Writings closest to Mark may primarily cite direct prophecies about Jesus.
- Later writings, closer to Luke-John, may reflect deeper typological insights, showing Christ in broader OT themes, such as Adam, Israel, and the temple.
- An analysis of their Old Testament references may help place their date of authorship in relation to the Gospels.
Rather than being the result of embellishment or fading memories, the additions in Matthew and Luke reflect theological discovery. As the Holy Spirit guided their study, they expanded their understanding—and their writings—accordingly.
This should encourage us, for we too can seek insight through diligent study, trusting the Spirit to reveal Christ in greater depth, just as He did for the apostles.