PHB: vav - Word family extension אג-דנר

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Pneumnemonic Hebrew for Beginners*PHB: Letter families->PHB: vav - Word family יוזן->::vav - Word family extension אג-דנר->::Build some gates - 1

The Word Family extension is an extended set of letters to the word family. Previously, the vav was defined as 'the Word'. This set of letters extends the vav in various ways. The last three:דנר, will have families of their own.

Aleph א God spoke and created the heavens and the earth

The aleph א is a diagonal vav with two yods. The yod represents the creation, but there are two of them. We discern that when there are two things, they are two aspects of one thing.

As you draw the aleph, first draw the vav saying "God spoke and created...". When drawing the two yods say, "the heavens and the earth."

Recall that when we learn language, the same thing is said in many ways to help us understand the idea. The aleph represents creation by separation. As you draw it, you can say several things which represent the idea of the aleph.

God spoke... and created the heavens and the earth. [s 1] [1]
The spirit hovered... on the face of the waters. [s 2] [v 1]
The firmament... divided the waters above and below. [s 3]
There was a war... between heaven and earth
God separated... Holiness and Love


The number value of the aleph is 1, but it's name means 1000.

The aleph contains the unspeakable name of God יוי ee-oo--ee which sounds like Yahweh. It is unspeakable because the aleph is silent letter.

Gimel ג He pursued them

The gimel is a vav with a yod hanging off the bottom like a leg extended. The vav comes down the side of the Square Letter Template, representing love coming to man [s 4], and the yod extending to the left is a little bit of Holiness being revealed. The purpose of the law is not to squish you, but to help explain who God is. He gave us his love, then pursued us with his holiness.

The word gimel means 'camel'. If you look it up in a dictionary, they look like two words in English, but the are the same Hebrew word גמל. It also means 'recompense' like a judge giving you what you deserve. And it means 'poor one' [v 2]

As you draw the gimel say, "The man rich in love (draw the vav), pursued the poor man (draw the yod) with holiness. [q 1] [a 1] [q 2] [a 2] [q 3] [a 3] [q 4] [a 4] [q 5] [a 5] [q 6] [a 6]

Dalet ד with a command

The dalet ד is formed by drawing two vavs at right angles. This is different from the rosh ר which has two vavs joined with a curve. The upper horizontal vav collects up what can be known about God as it travels from left to right. The vertical vav represents that knowledge coming to man. [q 7] [a 7]

The right angle of the dalet ד means that the information is not complete, like a pipe that is pinched rather than smoothly transitioned. We say that it is a command. As a metaphor, it represents the command itself, the result of the command, or the response to the command. God commanded the creation into existence. The universe is the result of the command, and testifies to to the invisible nature of God. [s 5]

But the command does not reveal all about God. The revelation of God is the rosh ר. We will come back to this. Though in English three words are nearly synonyms, we use them in a technical way: command, revelation, teaching. The dalet ד is the command. The revelation or rosh ר contains personality. And teaching or lamed ל is a shared heart.

Dalet means 'poor one' and 'door'. [v 3] As you draw it say, "a commandment" or "was commanded".

Nun נ The Son of Man

The nun נ is a vav with a yod off the bottom like the gimel ג except the yod is horizontal. The word nun means 'fish' and it represents the Son of Man. [v 4] In Greek the fish represents "Jesus Messiah God's Son Savior" as an anagram.

The nun נ stands in contrast to the kof כ, which represents the Son of God. The difference is the length of the horizontals. The kof says that the Son of God was fully God and fully man by nature. The nun says that the Son of Man was partially God and partially man by choice. He chose to limit himself by the flesh [s 6] in order to be qualified to be our high priest [s 7] [q 8] [a 8] [q 9] [a 9]

When you draw the nun say, "The Son of Man".

Rosh ר revealed

The rosh is like the dalet ד but it has the rounded corner; it takes on and includes personality. The word rosh means destitute. [v 5] It is why people fall on their faces when God reveals himself. They are destitute before him. When God walked with Adam, or met Moses on the mountaintop, these were rosh experiences.

With a dalet ד experience, you cannot ask questions; it is a command. With a rosh ר experience you can dialog and know. Say "reveals, revealed, or revealing" when drawing the 'rosh ר.


  1. In what way did the rich man who chased after the poor man make himself equal to God?
  2. Who was the real rich man?
  3. In what way had God given up all he had to become the poor man?
  4. If you have shaky hands and poor eyesight, how do you thread a needle?
  5. How did the rich man read the law in order to make himself equal to God?
  6. When Jesus asked him to give up all he had, did he ask him to do anything that he himself had not already done?
  7. Name some things that fall into the commandment idea.
  8. Do you become blind when you close your eyes?
  9. Did Jesus cease to be God when he chose not to be omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient?


  1. God spoke to create 10 times in Genesis 1


  1. Ge 1:1 ¶ In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
  2. Ge 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
  3. Ge 1:6 ¶ And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
  4. 1Jo 4:19 We love him, because he first loved us.
  5. Ro 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, [even] his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
  6. Php 2:7 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:
  7. Heb 4:15 For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as [we are, yet] without sin.


  1. mrachaphth מרחפת - hovered, moved, m. judged, f. from the revelation (or bitter) מר the understanding ח of the prophecy פ was complete ת
  2. gimel ג or גמל - camel, recompense, poor one m. pursue, judge
  3. dalet ד or דלת - poor one, door, m. commandment
  4. nun נ or ננ - fish m. Son of Man
  5. rosh ר - destitute, m. reveal


  1. After Jesus said no one but God was good, he claimed to be good too.
  2. Jesus was God.
  3. Through the incarnation he became poor; giving up his high estate.
  4. You hold the thread on your cheek to keep it steady, then bring the needle to it.
  5. He interpreted the law around his own behyavior and character to make himself 'good'.
  6. He said, "If you are equal to God, then do what God has done and come follow me."
  7. Creation is the result of the commandemnt. "Do not eat". "Go". The ten commandments.
  8. Of course not.
  9. Of course not