PHB: The exchange - עפצ

Pneumnemonic Hebrew for Beginners->PHB: Catechism->PHB: The exchange - עפצ

He was made to be flesh and bore our sin ע, taught in parables, prophecies and riddles פ, and exchanged his righteousness for our sin צ.

1. If Jesus is God, how was he made?

He is the Unbegotten Only Son as God before creation, and the Only Begotten Son being born of Mary.

2. How did he bear our sin?

All sin is against God. He fully identified with us in the flesh. He was tempted every way that we are, yet did not sin. Through that temptation he understood that we are deceived by the flesh. He chose not to take offense at our sin. He ceremonially displayed this through the theater of the Passover Lamb. He effectively did this when he said "Forgive them, they know not what they do."

3. Why did he teach in parables?

So that men would not understand and so they would not believe.

4. Believe what?

His teaching of the cross.

5. Why did he not want them to believe it?

He had to face the cross alone, and if they believed it too early, they would be believing something that didn't happen yet. Trust comes from knowledge, not blind belief.

6. Where did Jesus get his parables?

They are hidden in the Old Testament. He only spoke what he had been taught.

7. How did he give us righteousness?

By becoming one flesh. Love covers a multitude of sins. If the bride owes $1000 and the groom is a gazillionaire, when they marry they are both rich.