Gospel of Thomas
Unveiling the Sensus Plenior
The Gospel of Thomas offers a unique perspective on the interpretation of Scripture, providing insight into how its sayings align with the hidden meaning—the sensus plenior—that underlies the biblical text. This work serves as a set of notes from someone learning to read the deeper layers of Scripture, with a particular focus on how to uncover the truths God intended but that may have been hidden to the human author.
The concept of sensus plenior—the fuller meaning of Scripture that goes beyond the literal understanding—is a subject of much debate. Opinions vary from denying its existence to claiming it should only be accessible to apostles. However, with the view that Biblical revelation often takes the form of profound riddles, the sensus plenior is expected to be consistent with New Testament doctrine and ultimately points to Christ as the key to unlocking these mysteries.
After years of studying sensus plenior, I encountered the Gospel of Thomas and recognized that it teaches methods strikingly similar to those I had been exploring. To properly frame this, I will first outline the guidelines for reading sensus plenior, which prevent it from devolving into arbitrary allegory, before walking through the Gospel of Thomas and demonstrating that its interpretations align with this method. Throughout this discussion, I'll also draw comparisons with scriptural examples of sensus plenior.
While I don't claim that the Gospel of Thomas should be considered Scripture, it can be seen in much the same way as a modern book about the Bible. The Gospel of Thomas, when understood through the lens of sensus plenior, aligns closely with orthodox Christian doctrine, particularly regarding the nature and revelation of Christ.