Gopher wood

Gopher wood []

One of the advantages of reading the ancient rather than the reinvented Hebrew is that words which have lost their meaning in time can be reconstructed.

Noah was commanded to build the ark of gopher wood. The word is transliterated, not translated, because they didn't know what it meant.

Gopher גפר is 'lymed כר with a mystery פ.' Why would you lyme wood? Lymewash is a fire retardant, antiseptic, antifungal, odorless and non-allergenic. It reduced mildew, and rotting. It eliminate mosquito larvae and reduce odors where animals are kept. (

Lymewash changes the wood white. The ark would become a symbol of the cross where Jesus bore our sin; having been made to be sin, but conquered it and rose holy {white). The ark was a white ship which was a picture or mystery of Christ.