Gier eagle

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Gier eagle []

Part of the name of the Gier eagle means ‘to love’ (‘racham’). The birds are mated for life and seldom separated. This may be part of what Adam saw, but if this was all, we would have difficulty understanding why it is an unclean bird. Love is a good thing to learn. The full name actually means ‘not understanding love’. The Gier eagle eats almost nothing but carrion or road kill. Though they are together in the appearance of love, they eat nothing but dead rotting things. Someone who loves you, teaches you good things, not bad things. If your friend wants you to do bad things, you know there is no love there. It is true that when we eat the bread of communion, we are learning from the death of Jesus, but it is followed by the wine or ‘living water’ as a symbol of the life he gives us through his resurrection. [3] Paul teaches that if we don’t have love, our faith, generosity, knowledge, and sacrifices mean nothing. [4] The one who truly loves, will eat or learn from, the living word of God, with others.

gier eagle haracham הרחם - not understanding ה love רחם