Fish: Pursuing God

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Fish: Pursuing God []

Water is a symbol of the word of God. The clean fish represents the teacher who lives surrounded by the word of God. Their fins move them through life, immersed in God’s word.

The Hebrew name for ‘fish’ means ‘commanded to pursue’. When Adam watched the fish darting in the water, it seemed like an appropriate name. The fish-like teacher seeks God in his word by God’s command. [1]

As with the unclean animals, riddles hide the things that make fish clean. A clean fish has scales symbolizing the love of God. They are also propelled by fins, which represent the love Jesus had for the word. His love of the word motivates the good teacher.

God’s teachers are always looking to understand God better. They study, meditate, and then live what they have learned. They correct their teaching and their lives as they learn more. The love God has for his people, motivates them. They desire that others know God’s love.

The good teacher wears the armor of God as he searches the scriptures. He swims in the water of God’s word, and the love of God motivates him.

fish dag דג - commanded ד to pursue ג

scale, mail (armor) qasqeseth קקשת