Final Mem ם and Samech ס

Final Mem ם and Samech ס []


Both the final mem ם and the samech ס connect the kof כ and the zayin ז at the top and bottom. They both signify that the promise was fulfilled, with the focus on the fulfillment.

The final mem ם uses square corners signifying that the promise was fulfilled in the flesh. The samech ס uses rounded corners signifying that the promise was fulfilled in the spirit.

The final mem ם also means water as does the word eem ים which is the 'water below' being to the left of the yod י. It's focus is on the Son, also known as the Word. [v 1]

Samech סמח means support. When the marriage is consummated, the bride becomes the help-meet, the support, of the man. [v 2]




  1. final mem ם - water below, f. creation finished by the Son ם, his people ים, the Son
  2. samech ס or סמח - support, f. The will of God fully completed ס by the Son ם
