ELTB TT From dust

ELTB TT From dust []

There was a mist [] from the steaming ground. Before God created Adam, he made sure that there was already something for Adam to learn about God from. Before the birth of Christ, the whole world knew something about God.

God formed Adam from the dust of the ground. God loves word play. The Hebrew 'ground' is 'adamah. Adam came from the adamah, which is also 'the man that doesn't understand'. The ground represents those who do not know God. Jesus was formed in Mary. Mary was part of the 'adamah' ground. Jesus is called the second Adam.

God breathed his Spirit into Adam. The Holy Spirit descended on Jesus.

Then maybe God poked Adam in the belly and said "You're done!" to give him a belly button. Maybe not, but when Adam was finished, God said that everything was very good. [] God did say to Jesus, "This is my Son, and I am pleased with him."

mist ed אד - God's command