ELTBSGa Preface

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ELTBSGa Preface []

Book purpose:

  • Teach children how to identify people who should and should not have influence in teaching them using the verifiable allegory of Leviticus 11. Build vocabulary of symbol.
  • Young adults: Same + introduce the mystery of the language of God and decrypting it.
  • Adult: Same + Challenge common hostilities inherited in dogma, learn to correlate idea patterns and apply interpretive rules.
  • Seminary: Same + Sensus plenior, Formation and Notarikon, Synoptic problem, resolve contradictions.


Purpose: 1. Invite a readiness to learn

2. Hint at qualifications of author

3. Introduce the theme of all 2ndBook works: Knowing God's glory by seeking his wisdom concealed in scripture

¶ 1

Purpose: Address preconceived ideas generally.

1. Discuss genre of the Bible. Preconceived idea: the Bible is a literal-historical work containing various sub-genres of literature such as history, poetry, prophecy. Why don't we presume it is comic book style fiction? It says it is true, tradition, archeology, apologetics.

  • Choose a historical novel that people are familiar with. What was the author's purpose?

Discuss how the statement of purpose transcends the novel.

  • Does God tell us the purpose of the Bible?

"It all speaks of Jesus, and he reveals the invisible Father." Yeah, but, do you see Jesus in it all?

  • How do you hide something in plain sight? Riddle.
  • Why did the chicken cross the road? Double entendre & riddle
  • Could Christ be hidden in riddle? Hmm... Parable of the unfaithful bookkeeper.
  • Does riddle and word play translate well? No.
  • Why can't you see Christ in all the scripture?

2. What do you think the book is about?

3. Discuss the meaning of this verse:

  • Pr 18:13 He that answereth a matter before he heareth [it], it [is] folly and shame unto him.

¶ 2

  • Consider crossing your eyes to see silly 3D pictures. Would you try to learn to see them from someone who says that they are just random dots or from someone who says there is a picture and offers to teach you?

Heb 11:6 But without faith [it is] impossible to please [him]: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and [that] he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

¶ 3

Consider: 'Dark sayings sounds ominous, but it is simply riddle, or concealed meaning. Ps 78:2 I will open my mouth in a parable: I will utter dark sayings [riddles] of old: Pr 1:6 To understand a proverb, and the interpretation; the words of the wise, and their dark sayings [riddles].

  • Did Jesus teach in parables so that ignorant farmers could understand or so that they would not understand, they would not believe, and they would not get saved?
  • Why? If they could get saved by teaching before the cross, the cross would not be necessary.
  • Without the cross we would miss the full revelation of God as being a perfect balance of Holy and Love.
  • Why could Adam not eat the Tree of Life? Why did prophets conceal some revelations?
  • When was the mystery revealed?
  • If eating is a metaphor for learning, and the Hebrew word for 'married' also means doctrine, and Adam got his bride through his sleep as a symbol of death: What and when is the marriage supper of the Lamb?