Created for love

Created for love [] I spent five years studying Ge 1:1 and the Hebrew alphabet, and I still can't get away from it.

We have already noted that Elohim means 'God אל separated from us ים by ignorance ה.

We have already seen puns of Elohim meaning 'not dark' (light), life, and bread.

But look at this!!!

I א for ל her ה created everything י and finished it by the son ם.

This is an interesting thing to contemplate. We are told that God is self-satisfied in his completeness. But they also say he created us for his pleasure. He takes pleasure by loving!

This formation of Elohim suggests that God created as an expression of his love for us. This should not be a surprise "God first loved us". But it surprising to contemplate that his first act of creation was an outpouring of his love. It was not the result of him just puttering around in the eternal.

God is painted as always being angry because we aren't perfect. Guess what... he knew that from the beginning, and still loves us. He is not looking to squish us at every opportunity, but to fill the gap of ignorance by teaching who he is.

Your sin is not the first thing on his mind, though your guilt may haunt you. He has already covered your sin, and even planned to from the beginning , as the Lamb was chosen to be slain even before the foundations of the earth.

His name says it all. The universe was created because of his love for you, and it is finished in Christ.