Challenge: Finding Water

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Challenge: Finding Water []

Challenge: Finding Water


Learn how to locate, collect, and assess water sources in a survival situation, emphasizing creativity, safety, and resourcefulness.


Water is essential for survival, but finding it in the wild requires careful observation, knowledge of natural indicators, and critical thinking. This challenge will teach you techniques for identifying water sources, understanding their reliability, and ensuring safety before consumption.

Materials Provided:

  • Small container or cup
  • Tarp or plastic sheet (for solar still)
  • Rope or paracord
  • Cotton cloth or bandana (for filtration)
  • Notebook for observations

Challenge Steps

1. Understand the Importance of Water (10 minutes):

  • Why Water is Critical:
    • Humans can only survive about 3 days without water.
    • Dehydration leads to fatigue, confusion, and other health risks.
  • Water Safety Tips:
    • Always purify collected water before drinking (boiling, filtering, or chemical treatment).
    • Avoid stagnant water, which is more likely to be contaminated.

2. Locate Potential Water Sources (30 minutes):

  • Observation Skills:
    • Look for natural signs of water, such as:
      • Animal tracks leading to a source.
      • Dense vegetation (willows, reeds) often growing near water.
      • Natural depressions in rock formations that might collect rainwater.
    • Listen for the sound of running water.
  • Explore the Environment:
    • Search for streams, rivers, ponds, or dew on plants.
    • Check for signs of moisture in the soil.

3. Collect Water Using Creative Techniques (30 minutes):

  • Solar Still:
    • Dig a shallow hole in a sunny spot, place a container in the center, cover the hole with a tarp, and weigh down the center of the tarp with a small rock to collect condensation.
  • Dew Collection:
    • Use a cotton cloth or bandana to wipe dew from grass or leaves in the morning, then wring it into a container.
  • Rainwater:
    • Use tarps or leaves to funnel rain into a container.

4. Test and Analyze Water Sources (20 minutes):

  • Observe the water's appearance (clear vs. murky).
  • Smell for unusual odors.
  • Discuss potential purification methods needed to make the water safe to drink.

Debrief Questions:

  • What natural signs were the most helpful in locating water?
  • Which collection techniques were the most effective?
  • How can you ensure the water you find is safe for drinking?
  • How did creativity and persistence help you succeed in this challenge?


  • Research and practice purification methods, such as boiling, filtering, or using purification tablets.
  • Explore the concept of water conservation in survival situations.
  • Test finding water in a different environment, such as a forest or desert.

Completion Criteria:
  • Successfully identify at least one potential water source.
  • Demonstrate at least one method of water collection.
  • Explain how you would purify and store the water for safe use.


Write in your Hero’s Journal about what you learned about the value of water and the skills needed to find it in the wild. Reflect on how this challenge has changed your perspective on water conservation and resourcefulness.