Blog 2023-07-08
I was reminded of a riddle in the Gospel of Thomas about five trees. Now GOT is not scripture, but it is also NOT Gnostic. It was written by someone teaching to discern riddles in scripture.
(19) Jesus said, "Blessed is he who came into being before he came into being. If you become My disciples and listen to My words, these stones will minister to you. For there are five trees for you in Paradise which remain undisturbed summer and winter and whose leaves do not fall. Whoever becomes acquainted with them will not experience death."
Here are some of Thomas's hints:
Hint 1: Contradiction? Get over it.:How can someone come into being before come into being? He is God who became flesh. This is riddle, don't get hung up in debating an English translation about whether He 'came into being' the first time. He was before he came into being.
Hint 2: Notarikon: How can stones minister to you? Stone in Hebrew is 'aben', It is a symbol of the Father 'ab' and Son 'ben' together. If you are a disciple the Father and Son will minister to you.
Hint 3: word-play What are the five tree's? Trees good to look at, trees good to eat, Tree of Life, Tree of Knowledge of Good and evil, and Adam's rib. WHAT? Tree is עץ also meaning 'lumber' or planks. Rib is צלע or the 'plank צ()ע of teaching ל.
Hint 4: Logical conclusion: The kingdom is teaching; you can't enter the kingdom unless you are born again; so if you have discerned the teaching, you must be born again. It is not the discerning of the riddle that saves you. The alphabet says ' You are distinguished ו as the bride ז when you understand ח.' Those who solve the riddle are made known to be the bride.
p.s. paradise or 'pardes' for 'orchard' in Hebrew would have been outside of time. People wonder where the thief went with Jesus 'that day'. In the twinkling on an eye he went from time to eternity and joined Jesus back in the garden, outside of time. The garden was east (ancient side) of Eden (filthy, time).