Blog 2023-02-10

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Blog 2023-02-10 []

Easter []

Easter - 2

Soon we will barraged by reminders of the supposed pagan origin of Easter by many who still celebrate Lupercalia.

Consider how you celebrate. The bunny is an unclean animal as a symbol of a bad teacher. It's name ‘arnebeth ארנבת means house בת of divided א jubilation רנ. When Adam named the animals he chose a name suitable to their behavior and gave them their 'reputation'.

Some say the rabbit does not chew the cud, as the Bible says, so we can't trust the Bible. They base their accusation against God of an English translation of the Hebrew word 'gerah' meaning 'persue ג the revelation ר that was not understood ה'.

Though most of the 'clean animals' ruminate as symbol of meditation, the rabbit accomplished the same thing by eating it's night droppings. However, it does not have a split hoof. So it is unclean.

Can you hear the hosts of skeptics repent in a collective Roseanne Roseannadanna-like retraction "Never mind.."? Probably not. They never admit when they are wrong.

Adam could not tell if the rabbits were jumping to play or out of fear. They represent the one who celebrates many religions: Kwanzaa, Hanukah, Christmas, etc. This teacher is not focused on God.

If you celebrate Easter with rabbits, you have made it into a pagan holiday. If you celebrate it for the risen Christ, you have not.

What about eggs? Lu 11:11 If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? or if [he ask] a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent? Lu 11:12 Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offer him a scorpion?

Let's rephrase that after unpacking the symbols: If a son shall ask 'the body of Christ and grace through the cross' of any of you that is a father, will you give him a 'the law before the cross, and the judgement that comes with it?' or if he ask for a 'every word that proceeds from the mouth of God' will he give him a 'lie?' Or if he ask for 'new life' will he offer him a 'sting of death?'

The bunny is a good symbol for those who don't know what Easter is about.

I will celebrate Easter as a reminder of his resurrection with eggs. Since we have a hen, they will symbolize a new life given freely, rather than at $8/doz.