ELTB CC Tortoise

Revision as of 13:52, 12 May 2023 by 2nd>Bob (1 revision imported)

ELTB CC Tortoise []

To Adam, the tortoise may have looked like it was hiding from unknown sounds as it tucked itself inside its shell. The hard shell makes an excellent defense. Some people have used tortoise shells as shields. As the tortoise wields his shield he protects himself from things above.

Adam named him 'righteousness revealed from God to man.' This is a curious name. This name shows us that Adam knew that the unrighteous would be afraid of God. When you have done something bad, you might be afraid of your parents.

Later, when Adam disobeyed God and ate the forbidden fruit, he hid from God.

Some people shield themselves from God by refusing to read the Bible. They think if they don't know what God said, they don't have to worry about it.

tortoise, covered tsab צב - 'righteousness צ revealed to man ב'