Burning man

Revision as of 10:59, 6 September 2023 by Pig (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{bl| Burning man }} The Puritans interpreted weather that did destruction as acts of God, and used it as a sign for repentance. Even if they were wrong, there is always a good reason for repentance. Our insurance is Puritan, they don't pay for acts of God. LOL The symbolism is astonishing. They had a double rainbow from the storm, an indicator that even in their great rebellion, God was being long-suffering and giving them a chance to repent. The 'green god' worshipe...")
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Burning man []

The Puritans interpreted weather that did destruction as acts of God, and used it as a sign for repentance. Even if they were wrong, there is always a good reason for repentance. Our insurance is Puritan, they don't pay for acts of God. LOL

The symbolism is astonishing. They had a double rainbow from the storm, an indicator that even in their great rebellion, God was being long-suffering and giving them a chance to repent.

The 'green god' worshipers who support Ukraine Nazi fascism, declare their individual deity through hedonism in a place without water (the Word) nor food (nothing green about it), being totally self-sufficient. They suffered; a gift from God to remind them that god's don't suffer.

In their sacrifice of nothing in the center of a pentagram, they push up fire (judgement) from the earth man to mock the fire from heaven which will be the next destruction from God. They declare a judgement on God, and declare a war against him. Those at Babel built a tower to mock God's flood, declaring that if He flooded them again, they would be safe by their own works.

This a a symbol that they control fire/judgement. In their exit, they dutifully follow the leader, like a line of blind ants. They hypocritically throw CO2 into the air as they idle and crawl along the dust of the earth; winding like the cursed serpent. The dust now turned to mud as the water (word) condemns them. They breathe the collective exhaust; a polluted air/spirit.

The festival itself is the worst of both worlds. All the downside of a lawless crowded city without an infrastructure, and none of the benefits normally associated with camping. I am reminded of Rom 1:18ff. those who do not acknowledge God as God, are turned over to wallow in the folly and consequences of their own lusts.

I am not judging anyone who went. Just noticing the symbolism of it. Some think it is intended to be just a fun time... but why all the intentional symbolism of a pagan worship?