Atheist fails

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Atheist fails []

Belief in magic []

The claim that Christians believe in magic is a fail.

Magic is the belief that when God created the universe and used words to do so, that the power was in the words. This is a Jewish error which mistakes 'words' for the WORD. The Son of God is called the Word of God, and he created the universe at the command of the Father. The magician believes that if you know the word, you control the thing.

God is the one with power. He could have thought creation into existence, but from his name Elohim, we know he created it out of his love for us. He used words so that we could learn of him. Ge 1 is about creation, but more; it speaks of Christ. Jesus said it all spoke of him.

So my scoffing ignorant little friend. We do not believe in magic. We know the Eternal God. You can only stand on the outside looking in. You would be welcome, but not as long as you continue to think you are God and can make your own rules and judge the universe by your standard.

Bible written by people to control you with fear of hell []

Please tell me which authors wanted to control you. Certainly the Nicolaitans want to control you, but they did not write the Bible.

John, in the book of Revelation even warned the church about them. They control you because you didn't read the Bible. You didn't heed the warning.

The main purpose of the Bible is that you might know God yourself. The third word of the Bible says so. The only command is to Love. Why would people wanting to control you write this? Obviously, the people who want to control you don't want you to know this. You think you are not being controlled, yet you parrot a comedian for your theology. They have controlled your mind with entertainment.

God wants to love you and you to love him. Satan doesn't want you to do that. Think about that.

Christians hate atheists []

You literally just made that up and then believe it. You are the one believing fairy tales.

A true Christian loves his enemy. When you say they hate, you answered your own statement. You said, "People who aren't Christians hate atheists".

We can see why. Atheists are pedantic liers who scoff and taunt. I expect you to, since self-described goo poo, blobs of mass, time, energy and chance haven't figured out how to create reason and logic. People who aren't Christian hate you because you parrot each other with no new thought. You follow Alinsky tactics which you know are designed to make decent people hate you and leave the venue to your control.

You relish being hated as demonstrated by your continuing use of Alinsky tactics. You want to have a victim status and continue to annoy everyone.

Christians have no evidence []

This is a fail on several layers.

You presume you are God and the repository of all knowledge since you claim that no Christian anywhere, at any time has produced any evidence of God. This makes you insane, deluded or a liar.

It disqualifies you from scientific and rational discourse since it is more likely that you simply dismiss evidence in your selective data collection. Real scientists don't refuse to consider evidence from the opposing views. You don't get to say 9 out of 10 dentists agree. That is marketing not science. I'm sorry you were so severely impacted by such commercials as a child.

It shows you are lazy. Any child can g_gle "Christian apologetics" and spend a lifetime examining evidence. Since you are still alive, you have not exhausted that source.

It shows that you are insincere. You join a conversation ill prepared for actual dialog, but solely to taunt and scoff. What a boring life you have if this is the best thing to do with your time. Think about it: If there is no God, who cares? Let all the blobs of goo come and go; it doesn't matter. reason doesn't come from matter, energy, time and chance, so you have nothing reasonable to say, as evidenced in your comments.

Jesus not mentioned during his lifetime []

Even when the atheist says something true, he wiggles to try to make it a lie.

Of course they didn't mention him.

1. He was flying under the radar of the Romans, it was not yet his time to die.

2. He was flying under the radar of the religious leaders. He told people not to tell who he was.

Then the atheist says: See, he told them not to say anything so why do you claim they wrote about him?

They did so AFTER the cross. The Romans wrote about him in their history; no I will not spoon feed you like an Alinsky infant. Do your own research. The Apostles wrote about him as the things he did and taught were brought to memory as they read the OT.

All of the gospels were written while the Apostles were still alive.

Kissy cam []

People have nothing to say but want their face on the big kissy cam:

David Denson: Bob Jones nop. Bob Jones: David Denson, contradiction is not argument https://youtu. be/evPZ-0UhL1E

Keith Seymour: Bob Jones bullshit

Richard Churchill: Bob Jones all of that was lies.

My expert []

Claim: My expert is smarter or more knowledgeable than you.

Fallacy: Appeal to authority, with display of ignorance. The one claiming such does not know how smart I am nor my knowledge base. Propositional statements stand or fall with the evidence. Usually the scoffer will not hear evidence and/or has already decided the matter such that demands to provide evidence are merely designed to be a time waste as an Alinsky tactic.

"Which particular claim would you like to research. This is not the place for extended collaborative research. ... and yo mama.

No one has encountered God []

Atheists continually come up with self-refuting arguments. Let's see if we can follow.

1. Declare with certainty there is no God.

2. Become God because you have declared your omniscience. You know God is nowhere without looking, and can't be known without trying, and hasn't been known by anyone anywhere at any time. Such hubris.

3. I have encountered you, so in your argument I have encountered God. A tiny God for sure. A teeny weenie god, if a god at all. A god who is not in control and gets angry and fearful. A god so itty bitty, that he imagines people he encounters in reel comments worship him in his magnificence. Yes a pitiful little God indeed that is really nothing but goo poo. He's not even the original puddle of mass, energy time and chance, but just the residual from a hot air bubble that separated him from it. The goo poofed.

Prove it []

This is an Alinsky tactic to frustrate the opponent by demand they do a lot more work than you do.

I have not consented to being your nanny to spoon feed you so you don't poke your eye out. I don't care if you believe or not. I have no burden of proof. You are a simple Alinsky scoffing parrot and have no interest in any proof given. When you demonstrate that you have done research to intelligently engage in conversation, come back. And please wipe off the goo poo. You can't get reason from a blob of goo consisting of matter, energy, time and chance.