Swine, Part two: Foolish behavior

From 2nd Book
Revision as of 10:08, 14 September 2024 by Pig (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{bl| Swine, Part two: Foolish behavior }} The attitude of the swine-like teacher is dangerous because it is contagious. God’s law to the Hebrews about the swine was that they should not even touch their dead bodies. [1] This is a riddle in the play. It’s not actually talking about dead bodies of teachers. In Hebrew, this riddle means that we should not be joined to their foolishness nor plagued by it. [2] Apart from teaching untrue things, what does their foolishn...")
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Swine, Part two: Foolish behavior []

The attitude of the swine-like teacher is dangerous because it is contagious. God’s law to the Hebrews about the swine was that they should not even touch their dead bodies. [1] This is a riddle in the play. It’s not actually talking about dead bodies of teachers. In Hebrew, this riddle means that we should not be joined to their foolishness nor plagued by it. [2]

Apart from teaching untrue things, what does their foolishness look like? A pig-like teacher may brag about giving an apple to a homeless guy. The swine next to him brags that he gave two apples. The first responds that he gave his only apple, so his sacrifice was greater. The foolishness of the swine will try to make you feel bad for the good work you did. The swine wants to seem better than you.

This bragging about works is contagious. Do not join to it. Don’t touch it or listen to it.

The swine’s self-righteousness is contagious because we want to feel important too. We want attention and appreciation. We want to look good to others. Do not get contaminated by it. Instead, seek teachers who build you up rather than make themselves look good.

Have nothing to do with swine or you may get caught up in their folly. As Paul taught: Don’t join with unbelievers: How can you learn to do right from those who do wrong? Can you mix doing right with doing wrong?