1.1b.4 I will praise the name of God

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1.1b.4 I will praise the name of God []

± Ps 69:21 They gave me also gall for my meat; and in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.

As with other 'thirsty' verses, this one prefigures Christ on the cross where they gave him vinegar to drink when he thirsted.

The Hebrew word for vinegar is the same as for leaven. At the Passover, whoever had leaven at the time of the Passover would be cut off. It was the final judgement before the shadow of the cross. Leaven represents 'teaching'. The Hebrews removed the old teaching of judgement in preparation for the new teaching of peace and grace.

The thirst of Jesus signifies the end of judgement, the final teaching from the law.

Ps 69:30 ¶ I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving.

From verse 21 - 29 there are bad things happening to the people. BUT Jesus took our judgement. They are a description of our sins which he took to the cross. He pronounced judgement on men, then according to his law, the one who judges is judged. In verse 30, we see that after his judgement, he praises God having conquered sin.

His thirst was the end of judgement followed by a new life.