Holy Spirit as the best man

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Holy Spirit as the best man []

The gospels are written by the Holy Spirit from the vantage of the best man. He declares that the bridegroom comes. The word for 'marriage' is also 'doctrine. Though Jesus teaches more before the cross than after, they did not understand. The bride is those who are taught by Christ. He sets himself apart from all other men by his teaching and miracles. Then she, the bride, is separated from the other teachers just before his death by making them all look foolish. Then he goes away in death, and returns to have her gathered to himself by the Spirit.

Only after the cross were their eyes opened to see that he was teaching them about his death and resurrection all along.

Like Adam receiving his bride through his sleep/death, Jesus obtained his bride through the cross. It is only through the cross that we are taught. The gospels are the actions taken by the bridegroom/Jesus before obtaining her on the cross. The Holy Spirit is announcing that Christ is coming through the cross. The Spirit does not call attention to himself, just as a best man places the attention on the wedding party.