Language of God (Adam)

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Language of God (Adam) []


Adam is from the Ground []


Notarikon is not a novelty []


Notarikon starts the fractal expansion []


The very first thought of creation, the yod י, is interpreted as 'the creator' or 'the creation'.

The vav ו, interpreted as 'he spoke into the void' implies he is the creator

The elements of the aleph א, (ee-oo-ee) יוי, pronounced "Yahweh" and translated "Jehovah" Say he is the self-existent creator.

The invisible and silent aleph א [1] of Ge 1:1 says that God spoke and created the heavens and the earth when no one could see or hear him do it.

By the letters, 'Bereshith' says "A revelation to man, it is revealed that God spoke and created the heavens and the earth. His word did not return void, but his creation was finished with a new life springing up."

Splitting bereshit into ברא-שית it says "created six" saying he created in six days.

Ge 1:1 ¶ In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

Ge 1:1 - 2:5 says God created in six days.

Each day points to one of six divisions of scripture, like a Table of Contents, suggesting the whole book declares that God is the creator.

By interpretation of 'two' [1] God is known to be God by the creation of the universe displayed for all, and by the fractal expansion of his word. [2]

Notarikon establishes critical theology []


When God created the universe, he used words. [1]

  1. ± Ge 1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

To use words, one must have an alphabet.

Some argue that there are languages which had no written form. Though this is true, they have a phonetic alphabet, which makes it possible to 'invent' a written form.
There is no other language that is known to contain the attributes of the Hebrew written square-text alphabet.
The Paleo-Hebrew alphabet retains some of the phonetic attributes of the square text, but does not contain the Notarikon to the level of strokes. [1]
  1. One will not obtain 'Jehovah', from the Paleo-Hebrew 'ox-head' aleph.

The meaning of the alphabet appears to be a fundamental catechism. [1]

Notarikon is not anachronistic
The alphabet is God's plan before the beginning []


Plan of salvation []

Teaser - Natural catechism []

God spoke and created the heavens and the earth א. He revealed to man ב.. that he pursued them ג with a .. command ד .. which they did not understand ה ..

and it distinguished them ו .. as the bride ז... When they understood ח .. through the marriage ט .. they became a new creation י.

The Son of God כ .. taught ל.. the promise of the Father מ. .. The Son of Man נ .. fulfilled the promise ס ...

by becoming flesh ע. .. He spoke in parables and riddles פ. .. He exchanged his righteousness for our sin צ. ..

The Son of God died and rose again ק.. revealing ר.. that his word returns with an increase ש. His completed work is your new life ת.

The Son of God died ך... and finished his declared works ם. .. The Son of Man died and was restored to glory ן. .. All prophecy was completed ף. .. Judgement was ended ץ. .. We became co-heirs with Christ (four-pronged shin ש ).

You were chosen []

The catechism seems to explain Paul s knowledge of God's plan predating creation. [1]

  1. ± Eph 1:4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:
The Lamb was slain []

The catechism seems to explain John's knowledge of God's plan predating creation. [1]

  1. ± Re 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
The toledoth