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Osprey []


The Hebrew word for ‘osprey’ has the word ‘goat’ within it. The goat just thinks of himself. He grabs food, cuts in line, pushes and shoves to get his way. The osprey is very territorial and pushes other birds away with an aerial dance. The goat, represents the selfish flesh. It is not of the spirit, and so should be avoided.

Sometimes we act like goats and sometimes like sheep who wish to follow the Good Shepherd; Jesus. Even the apostle Paul wrestled with his flesh. [1] Don’t feed the goat. Don’t do the things you know are wrong.

When we look at someone doing bad things, we shouldn’t think, “I am a sheep and they are a goat”. We should think, “They may look like a goat now, but maybe they have a sheep inside.” Then we should help each other be sheep. [2]

Here is a tough question: Why is the goat a clean animal, but the osprey is an unclean bird? The goat represents the flesh wanting to grow in the spirit. The goat’s hoof raises him above the earth (see “Eat Learn this Book”). The osprey represents the spirit that wishes to return to the flesh.

osprey ozniyah עזניה - ‘goat עז hears זנ God’s will י and doesn’t understand ה’
goat ez עז - ‘flesh ע of the bride ז’