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Owl []

The Owl says, “who?” but his name means ‘why’ and ‘shovel’. The shovel removed ashes from the altar. Sacrifices were like a holy barbecue. People brought the food, and the priests prepared it according to the script of the play. They had to do it exactly right so that we could learn about God. Green Jello was not welcome at the temple sacrifices. The scoffer, acting like the owl, does not understand ‘Why’, nor does he want to. [1]

The person who brought the animal to sacrifice ate it with the priests. With some sacrifices, just the priests ate. The burnt offering was a special sacrifice that no one ate. It all turned to ash. The ashes represent Christ’s total devotion to his Father. Christ was totally consumed with obedience to his father, even to death.

Only God can tell us what is good and evil. He tells us what is right and wrong. If you make your own rules, you are pretending to be God. You can’t know him if you think you are God. Do you think your dad would like it if you always told him he wasn’t your dad and when he asked you to do something you always said, “Why?” If you love your dad, you should do what he says because you know he loves you and wants what is best for you. [2]

owl bath ya‘anah בת יענה - ‘daughter בת of why יענ’