Bible written by people to control you with fear of hell

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Bible written by people to control you with fear of hell []

Please tell me which authors wanted to control you. Certainly the Nicolaitans want to control you, but they did not write the Bible.

John, in the book of Revelation even warned the church about them. They control you because you didn't read the Bible. You didn't heed the warning.

The main purpose of the Bible is that you might know God yourself. The third word of the Bible says so. The only command is to Love. Why would people wanting to control you write this? Obviously, the people who want to control you don't want you to know this. You think you are not being controlled, yet you parrot a comedian for your theology. They have controlled your mind with entertainment.

God wants to love you and you to love him. Satan doesn't want you to do that. Think about that.