ELTH BB 4-5 Coming, Preface
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ELTH BB 4-5 Coming, Preface [∞]
Coming from 2ndBook Press
ELTB Tempting Trees (Adam and Eve)
ELTB Dirty Dishes
ELTB Baby Bread (Mustard Seed)
ELTB Temple Tasties
ELTB Before the Beginning (Alphabet)
ELTB Triumphant Temptation (Triumphal Entry)
2ndBook War with God
2ndBook Dietary Law (Lev 11)
2ndBook Seeds (Parables of seeds)
2nd Book Trees (Parables of trees)
2ndBook Kingdom (A close examination)
2ndBook Keys (Bible exegesis)
2ndBook Jots and Tittles (Formation of Hebrew letters)
2ndBook Worst Chapter in the Bible (Mystery of Tamar)
2ndBook Sensus Plenior (New Testament use of the Old)
2ndBook Synoptic Problem (Sermon on the road to Emmaus)