Gimel ג He pursued them

Gimel ג Hepursued them []


Draw the gimel []

The gimel is a vav with a yod hanging off the bottom like a leg extended. The vav comes down the side of the Square Letter Template, representing love coming to man [1], and the yod extending to the left is a little bit of Holiness being revealed. The purpose of the law is not to squish you, but to help explain who God is. He gave us his love, then pursued us with his holiness.

  1. ± 1Jo 4:19 We love him, because he first loved us.
Gimel - camel []

The word gimel means 'camel'. If you look it up in a dictionary, they look like two words in English, but the are the same Hebrew word גמל. It also means 'recompense' like a judge giving you what you deserve. And it means 'poor one' [v 1]

As you draw the gimel say, "he pursued us. [q 1] [a 1] [q 2] [a 2] [q 3] [a 3] [q 4] [a 4] [q 5] [a 5] [q 6] [a 6]



  1. In what way did the rich man who chased after the poor man make himself equal to God?
  2. Who was the real rich man?
  3. In what way had God given up all he had to become the poor man?
  4. If you have shaky hands and poor eyesight, how do you thread a needle?
  5. How did the rich man read the law in order to make himself equal to God?
  6. When Jesus asked him to give up all he had, did he ask him to do anything that he himself had not already done?


  1. gimel ג or גמל - camel, recompense, poor one m. pursue, judge


  1. After Jesus said no one but God was good, he claimed to be good too.
  2. Jesus was God.
  3. Through the incarnation he became poor; giving up his high estate.
  4. You hold the thread on your cheek to keep it steady, then bring the needle to it.
  5. He interpreted the law around his own behyavior and character to make himself 'good'.
  6. He said, "If you are equal to God, then do what God has done and come follow me."