Read like a Hebrew

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Read like a Hebrew []

The parable of the mustard seed is taught this way by the Greek (Gentile) church: The kingdom starts off small and grows larger and larger. If we have faith like the seed we can do miracles that no one seems to be able to do (move the mountain to the sea). We argue if the birds are angels, demons, or Gentiles. Then we wonder, and or defend, that Jesus said it was the smallest seed, when everyone else knows its not. This is NOT biblical preaching!

Hear the WORD of the LORD!

Jesus was the seed of the woman in Genesis. [1] He was the least of all the seed because he served us all through his death on the cross. The word for ‘mustard’ in Greek [2] is similar to ‘bruised by anger’ in Hebrew. [3] The prophecy of the seed of the woman speaks of his incarnation, kenosis, tribulation, temptation and final obedience on the cross.

The seed (Jesus) grew to be the great herb. The grass was given to cattle to eat, and the herbs were given to men to eat. The greatest thing men can eat is the body of Christ. He is the great herb. Eating is a metaphor for learning, so he became the great teacher. We also celebrate the cattle (sheep) eating the grass when we put baby Jesus in the manger with the grass. We have the same symbol of eating his body at the beginning of his life with the grass, as we have at the end of his life with the bread.

The tree is the cross… and those birds? If you live in the spirit you rest in the cross.

Lets move a mountain. The two mem’s in the Hebrew word for waters מים have metaphoric meaning for the Father and the Son. The Father is Spirit and the Son is Truth. Jesus told the woman at Sychar that though she worshiped on the mountain, she would worship in Spirit and Truth. The mountain would be moved to the water.

The parable of the mustard seed speaks of Christ at every turn and is revealed by the word itself. The parable contains a riddle:

Eze 17:2 Son of man, put forth a riddle, and speak a parable unto the house of Israel;

Next:NT authors teach to read like a Hebrew

  1. ± Ge 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
  2. Mustard σίναπι 'sinapi'
  3. sounds like אסנפר 'sinapir' = thorn or by word formation: אסון 'aws-sone' mishap, bruise אפי 'api' [by] anger