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Evangelism []

"Bob, why are you so nasty on FB reel comments?"

Francis Schaefer suggested that there is a real capital 'T' TRUTH. This is what really is. Then there is a little 't' truth, which is what we believe to be true.

The farther truth is from TRUTH the more reality creates tension in your everyday experience of life. But we shield ourselves from it.

For example: Say I believe there is a door in a wall where there is no door in reality. I am quite comfortable believing it until I try to walk through it. I am confronted with TRUTH when I smash my nose. So I create excuses why I do not wish to go through the door: there is nothing on the other side to see, it is locked, etc.

In the evangelism that I do, I talk with people most Christians do not talk with. It is easy for them to judge me and my methods comfortably seated on heir couches. I try to identify the greatest tension caused by their truth, and try to get them to walk through it. It is a painful experience for both of us.

As a street preacher, I went to where people were and attempted to have conversations. I still do that everywhere. Social media is the new street corner. I engage when I am invited to do so by the reel showing up in my feed because of hashtags they placed there. Those hashtags are an invitation to engage. It is a public place. People are uncomfortable with conflict which is why most never share their faith, and when they do it, is watered down to make them love you, even though Jesus said they hated him.

I will not criticize the one who wants to do 'friendship' evangelism. God CAN use many things. I don't like 'The Chosen', but it is not my call.

What are wedge points between TRUTH and truth? It is different for different people. But for groups, some can be identified:

The atheist is not one who does not believe, but one who declares that there is no God, when they don't personally know that and cannot know that. They are liars to themselves and are easily seen to be parrots as they regurgitate the same things constantly.

The agnostic is not one who does not know, but the one who says no one CAN know. They also are liars to themselves. They cannot possibly know that no one else knows.

The Catholic has several possible wedges. The church was run by Nicolaitans (conquerors of the laity). Only after the Gutenberg press did they allow people who were not priests access to it. Their claim to unity was forever destroyed by the Great Schism. And now we know that the infallible pope has protected pedophiles.

The Muslim has to deal with Taqiyya, Kitman, Tawriya, and Muruna. These are four ways Islam teaches from the Quran that you can lie. Of course Satan is the father of lies.

The Jew has no forgiveness because they have no sacrifice. Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. They cannot call on the name of God for deliverance because their ancestors have taught them they cannot even say his name "Yahweh" יהוה. They call on a false God named 'Hashem" and call on the US taxpayer for deliverance.

Mormons want to be Christians but still have not abandoned their polytheism (belief in a pantheon of gods).

The Protestant and Evanglical claim is that all cvan read and interpret scripture, but the theological 'elite' in the seminary professors and popular preachers have confessed that they cannot read scripture they way Jesus and the NT authors did. They have been indoctrinated in Balaamisms and teach them casting doubt on the Word of God.

These are not all the wedges. Each person is different. These are wedges that address the core beliefs.

Yes, if you are member of one of these groups, it is difficult to hear these things, but there is no door on that wall. Try to walk through it. I'm not trying to be nasty, just to help you toward TRUTH.

Yeah, someone claiming to know TRUTH always sounds arrogant. So find my wedge. I welcome it. This is what we are supposed to do with each other.