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stone aben אבן - father אב son בן
stone aben אבן - father אב son בן
“Star kowkab כוכב is like the Son of God כ, sharing the revelation ר by taking on human form כ and instructing humanity ב.
Stone aben אבן - where the father אב and the son ב are represented together.”

1. {{:Jer 31:34 }}
1. {{:Jer 31:34 }}

Latest revision as of 10:35, 18 July 2024

ELTB Introduction []

By AI 1. God desires for all to know him, and thus he created the world. Everything in creation serves as a lesson about God. Learning about God from the stars and stones is challenging, but it is easier to understand through words and actions.

2. God selected certain individuals to instruct others about him, but they were not well-acquainted with him themselves. Therefore, God used them as actors in a play. Their lives became a parable to educate us about God. In this play, we learn from stones and stars based on what God has said about them.

3. God concealed valuable lessons for us in the history of Israel. In this text, we will examine the dietary laws of the Hebrews and discern what they reveal about God.

1. God wants everyone to know about him, so he made the world. Everything in the world teaches us about God. It's hard to learn about God from the stars and rocks, but it's easier to understand through words and actions.

2. God chose certain people to teach others about him, but they didn't know him well themselves. So, God used them like actors in a play. Their lives became a story to teach us about God. In this play, we learn from rocks and stars based on what God has said about them.

3. God hid important lessons for us in the history of Israel. In this story, we will look at the food rules of the Hebrews and see what they teach us about God.

God wants everyone to know him. So he made the world. [1] Everything he made teaches about him. [2] It is difficult for us to learn about God from stars and stones. It is easier to learn through words and actions.

He chose some people to teach about him, but they didn't know what to say. They did not know him very well themselves. So God used them like actors in a play.

Their lives became a parable to teach us of God. [3] In the play, we learn from stones and stars through what God said about stones and stars.

God hid lessons for us in the history of Israel. In this book we will look at the things that the Hebrews could eat or not, and see what they teach about God.

star kowkab כוכב - Son of God כ explaining ו the revelation ר by becoming man כ and teaching man ב

stone aben אבן - father אב son בן

“Star kowkab כוכב is like the Son of God כ, sharing the revelation ר by taking on human form כ and instructing humanity ב.
Stone aben אבן - where the father אב and the son ב are represented together.” 

1. ± Jer 31:34 And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.

1 ± BP Jer 31:34 [The day will come] when everyone will know me, and there will be no more missionaries. I will forgive all they have done by instinct, and forget their intentional sin.

2. Ro 1:20 []

± Ro 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, [even] his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

Day one []

Ge 1:2-5 []


± Ge 1:2-5 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. 3 ¶ And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. 4 And God saw the light, that [it was] good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

B Ge 1:2 []

And the earth [1] and physical realm  was 'marked תה for distinction ו[2], and 'the mystery< בה was hidden in the word [3]; and a forebearance [4] was on the face of the 'mark of them' of them. The Spirit of God troubled the presentation of the word (Holiness and Love).
  1. earth ↬ mankind
  2. formlessS formless
  3. ו()ו::[[Ph ו()ו | Ph ו()ו]] d_ו()ו D ו()ו σ [[s_ו()ו|S ו()ו]] ₣ [[n_ו()ו|N ו()ו]]
  4. darkness ↬ love

B Ge 1:3 []

And 'holiness יר with the heart of a mother אמ' and the Lamb [1] as 'God אל, who is separated from man ים by ignorance' ה [2] 'created the flesh and spirit [3] those who where ignorant ה' and made 'a distinction ו between all that was created א and his revelation ר ; the water[4], and the light declared his holiness.
  1. אמר ::[[Ph אמר | Ph אמר]] d_ אמר D אמר σ [[s_ אמר |S אמר]] ₣ [[n_ אמר |N אמר]]
  2. אלהים ::[[Ph אלהים | Ph אלהים]] d_ אלהים D אלהים σ [[s_ אלהים |S אלהים]] ₣ [[n_ אלהים |N אלהים]]
  3. י()י ::[[Ph י()י | Ph י()י]] d_ י()י D י()י σ [[s_ י()י |S י()י]] ₣ [[n_ י()י |N י()י]]
  4. water ↬ word

B Ge 1:4 []

And God understood the light; 'creation י was revealed ר by his holiness א'; 'the light יר was holy from beginning to end את it was the place to meet god  הר to clarify ו his revelation ר. The Son of God כ created י a marriage/teaching ט to clarify ו the revelation to man ב. and ו he י revealed to man ב poor one, weak, needy, one who is low, door דל, God, revealed to man ב God's son in death ן , was Holy [1] and revealed to man God's son in death was Love [2]
  1. light ↬ holiness
  2. darkness ↬ love

B Ge 1:5 []

± Ge 1:5 And God called the light[1] Day[2], and the darkness[3] he called Night[4]. And the evening[5] and the morning[6] were the first day. [7]

Ch Ge 1:5 []

The first day is called Day One, not the First Day. There are other words for 'first'. This is interesting because the other days are called 'second', 'third', 'fourth', etc. 'One [v 1] means 'understood ח mist אד', so it could be called the Day of the 'understood ח mist א()ד'. [q 1][a 1] [q 2] [a 2]



  1. Where is the mist mentioned next?
  2. How do you have seven days in one day? See ± Ge 2:4 These [are] the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,


  1. אחד::[[Ph אחד | Ph אחד]] d_אחד D אחד σ [[s_אחד|S אחד]] mist א()ד of understanding, life ח


  1. ± Ge 2:6 Ge 2:6 But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.
  2. Outside of time.
  1. light ↬ holiness
  2. day ↬ work of Christ
  3. darkness ↬ love
  4. night ↬ in grace
  5. evening ↬ gift of grace
  6. morning ↬ made holy
  7. first day S first day





For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, [even] his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

2. BP Ro 1:20 They have no excuse for not knowing God. His invisible attributes, like his power and deity, have been seen from the beginning. We know made things have a maker.

3. De 28:37 And thou shalt become an astonishment, a proverb [parable], and a byword, among all nations whither the LORD shall lead thee.

3. ± BP De 28:37 Everywhere God leads you, you will be desolate. Your lives will be a parable [of Christ], and people will taunt you.