1.1c Four points of the cross: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 15:37, 23 April 2024

1.1c Four points of the cross []

When there are four of anything, they refer to the four voices of God. They are four intended meanings and uses for scripture.

Prophet - doctrine. This is revealed in a heavenly language(H) (mystery) of the earthly(E) life of Christ.
Judge - reproof. This is revealed in a heavenly language(H) confronting the flesh(E).
Priest - correction. This is revealed in a heavenly language(H) of the eternal Word(H).
King - Training in righteousness. This is revealed in a literal language(E) concerning training the flesh(E).

Jesus dies in accordance to the Word as expressed in all four voices.

Jesus revealed the voice of the prophet when he gave the key to the kingdom, and opened their understanding on the road to Emmaus. The Spirit guided the apostles as they they remembered what Jesus has taught and done as prophecy of the cross. He died according to those prophecies. Prophecy was fulfilled.

The Word confronts our sin, then moves it to Christ. This seems like magic, but it is according to his word, which allows us to understand the process more intimately. He died for our sin according to the voice of the judge. Judgement was ended.

The Priest tells how things are made right between God and man. Peace has been established; there is rest. The Priest declares this was the plan from before the beginning. Jesus died according to the plan, but was resurrected to be our high Priest.

The King trains us in righteousness. For 2000 years preachers have been speaking to our flesh as they parse out moral imperatives from scripture. This helps keep our flesh under control. According to the moral imperative: the soul that sinneth must die, Jesus died for our sins; having been made to be sin. The flesh is resurrected.

As we die with Christ, we are resurrected with him as Kings and Priests. The four points of the cross tell us he fulfilled the prophecies of the word in all four voices.

Bonus points: Why don't the prophet and judge get resurrected? They are mixtures (H)(E).