Chapter 1: A new day

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Chapter 1: A new day []

The year is 1938. While driving to a Halloween party, you hear the introduction to H.G. Welles's War of the World explaining that the broadcast was a dramatization of his book published years earlier. You sit in the car a few minutes, intrigued at the story. You rush into the party and immediately turn on the radio. Everyone listens intently as the news breaks that aliens have invaded the planet. A woman screams, another faints. There is panic throughout the room. You try to calm them all, knowing it is a dramatization, but no one believes you.

We come into this panicked world and embrace the delusions. People do not have peace in the midst of it because they missed the introduction to the story. We hear of wars or rumors of wars. We may be in the midst of war. We hear of famines, of supply chains failing, diesel shortages, and food processing plants burning. We hear of riots, layoffs, invasions and violent criminal prisoner releases. It seems that the world has turned crazy.

Major league sports have trained us to take sides in battles that don't concern us. We cheer for the 'team' and have never touched a football. We have no investment in the outcome. The WWWF is a scripted play that sucks us into cheering for an overweight drama queen that we personify as all that is good in the battle against evil dressed in black tights. It is no wonder that we have been conditioned to cheer for a government placed in office by a literal coup funded by a literal Nazi which has been involved in human trafficking and bio-weapons research and is funded by eugenicists. With the right triggers, masses buy flags and pick sides in complete ignorance that they have chosen the enemy of their actual values, if they still have any.

Neighbors spy on neighbors, reporting on each other inappropriate attire, or have not been coerced to be a good citizen by taking experimental drugs, and should be locked up or fined. Satanic transgender pedophiles do the children's 'reading room' in libraries.

How can one possibly be at peace in the midst of the crazy?

Stop in your tracks. Listen to me. Get some popcorn. We need to go back and read the introduction.