Not like Greek word studies
Not like Greek word studies [∞]
The importance of words [∞]
Early childhood education experts say that one does not understand a language without understanding childish puns and riddles. To properly understand the meaning of Hebrew words, the formation of letters[4] and formation of words[5] must be understood; not merely a lexical [6] meaning. |
Choosing a word [∞]
God uses recapitulation to get attention. If a book fell off the shelf once, you think it a curiosity. If a series of books fall of the shelf in order, it is interpreted as design; there is intelligence behind the experience. When the Spirit has correlated a word for you in multiple pericopes, you know he is trying to get your attention.[4] |
Trusting the priesthood [∞] Discussion
Greeks trust the 'priesthood' or self-appointed experts. Scholars quote others scholars endlessly, and it would seem that their invented issues solved by their doctoral theses naming each other, wend themselves into the mythology of the church. |
Here we say that all are under the scrutiny of scripture and the rules for interpretation[1]. Scholars are not apostles! [2] But even a child may challenge an interpretation under the rules. [3] [4] [5] |