Meditate on the word of God

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Meditate on the word of God []

Clean animals are the ones the Hebrews could eat. [1] They symbolize the people we should learn from.

The clean animals of the Bible are cows, sheep, goats, and deer. These animals ‘chew the cud’. They eat something and then burp it up to chew it again. [2] If you are a clean animal, you learn from God’s word, then you ‘chew the cud’ by thinking about it over and over again.

We remember to learn from people who meditate on God’s word by the symbols of the cow, sheep, goat, and deer.

Clean animals also walk on split hooves. These symbolize a ‘separated walk’ or life. The way you walk is a symbol for the way you live. [3] [4]

If you have a separated life, you are living a life for God, separated from the things that distract us from God. You learn to walk with God by meditating on his word. A good teacher is like this.

cud gerah גרה - pursue ג the revelation ר which was not understood ה