FB Nicolaitans

From 2nd Book
Revision as of 05:39, 13 November 2023 by Pig (talk | contribs) (Created page with " Bob Jones Nicolaitans (conquerors of the laity) come in many flavors. The first shows up in John's letter when a self appointed leader of a church would not allow John to visit. The Greek philosophy and mythology was already being imposed on the church and John threatened that by proper Biblical exegesis (interpretation). Under the guise of protecting scripture, Nicolaitans created a canon and did not allow access to it for average people for 1200 years. Refor...")
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Bob Jones

Nicolaitans (conquerors of the laity) come in many flavors. The first shows up in John's letter when a self appointed leader of a church would not allow John to visit. The Greek philosophy and mythology was already being imposed on the church and John threatened that by proper Biblical exegesis (interpretation).

Under the guise of protecting scripture, Nicolaitans created a canon and did not allow access to it for average people for 1200 years.

Reformers did not remove them. High church denominations retained priesthoods with a distinction between clergy and laity.

Baptists attempted to rid themselves of it by saying local churches were autonomous. Some baptist denominations now use particular seminary credentials as their priesthood vestment. Independent and COC churches re-established a form of it through 'dis-fellowshipping' and enforcing their own traditions.

Evangelicals have their own psudo-formal establishment through self-appointed priests of the Chicago confessions. Even in a local church, an elder may become the lord rather than the servant.

It is difficult for us sinners to avoid the temptations of establishing authority over one another.

Recently a colorful, but ignorant King James Only priest would have burned me at the stake if there were such things as e-matches. When others displayed the self-refuting position of KJO she turned on me by quoting me out of context and completely reversing what I had said. The justification was to protect the others in the group from my heresies. If she had actually addressed what I had said, it would be fair game. But it was obviously a personal thing having been embarrassed by her KJO position.

As much as I would love to start a new cult, I find it difficult when I teach not to follow men but to hear from God yourself in a way that is valid and reproducible; that is: in a scientific way. It kinda takes me out of the limelight. lol

Some people find it dangerous to teach how to think for yourself and commune with God yourself. They are called 'Nicolaitans'.