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Worship []

𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 Some people say they worship God in nature. They may mean that they make nature their God, in which case they have a cruel and uncaring God where survival of the fittest is the rule. Or they may mean that they go to the wilderness and observe what God has done. They may contemplate the attributes of God as they are displayed in his creation.

God is as dependable as the sunrise, times and seasons; yet as unknowable as the expanse.
He displays a heart of community in the forest and a nature of Holiness in the single pine above the tree line.
His word is like the streams of life;; his presence like the dew.

David knew that recounting the works of God was worship. Worshipful feelings devoid of details of God's person and works have no focus.

The studies in ancient Hebrew, Notarikon, the mystery, for some, are boring linguistics and patterns and doctrine. They say they already know God, so why do they need to know more. I suspect their knowledge of God is superficial; like one who thinks the ice cream tastes like pine, having licked a discarded Popsicle stick. Their knowledge of God is based on the diet of others.

The linguistics are the language of God; his whispers. The patterns are his heartbeat and nudging for attention. Much berated and abused doctrine is the intimate knowledge of God.

I love the wilderness; the display of God's majesty. But I love his word more; he speaks, shares his heart, and makes himself known.

Forget Eve

worship Ge 22:5 נשתחוה - forget נש (as an object ת) Eve חוה . Worship is being alone with God as Adam was before Eve.

How did I get that?

In La 3:17 נשית is translated 'forgot'. The yod decoration used here, is the object of the forgetfulness.

Strong uses lemmas, not the words themselves. Someday Ill have to write about Strong's errors .

05382 נָשָׁה‎ nashah [naw-shaw’]

la 3:17 נשית

ge 41:51 נשני

is 44:21 תנשני

jer 22:39 נטשתי